My dream setup.

Hur ser eran önskesetup ut?
Eng: Im sitting here drooling abit over my dream setup when it comes to a makeupstation. I live in a studentapartment with my boyfriend and our two cats so we dont have much space at all. I want the table by a wall with the mirror on the wall in lying position with two of those lamps by each side. Then i want to fill a vase/a glass with decorationstones so i can put my brushes in there. Supernice and really simple! Oh well, I can dream. Im really looking forward til we are both done with school so we can fix a bigger apartment where i can have my playground in a corner! The table has a big drawer in it that i can fill my makeup with to be sure nothing gets dusty or risks falling to the floor from the table.
What does your dream setup look like?
Svar: Mm precis,de är viktigt :) och man känner sig som sagt mycket snyggare för övrigt då ;)